Everyone loves free indie music right? After creating an account on Soundgirl (which is completely pain free) you can download all of their mixes of indie music for free. If you want to check out some of the music they offer you can stream their "mp3" player without creating an account. They've also interviewed just about every artist they feature on their site. Though technically they design clothes inspired by music, Soundgirl has become one of my favorite music resources. Happy listening!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wicked Site: Soundgirl
Posted by Doodle at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Finding Music, Free Music, Indie Music, Music, Soundgirl, Wicked Site
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Band I Dig: The Getaway Plan
Posted by Doodle at 12:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: "Other Voices, Australia, Band I dig, Music, Myspace, Other Voices Other Rooms, pop, rock, screamo, The Getaway Plan, Wikipedia
Monday, April 28, 2008
Cool Movie: GO: The Schools for Schools Movie
Posted by Doodle at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cool Movie, Invisible Children, Movie trailer, Movies
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Kick Ass Program: Samsung Mobile Fresh Films
Since my passion is film I concluded I had to to a post about film since almost everything else so far has been about music, ( though music is my second favorite thing.) Fresh Films is a film program exclusively for teens. For one week teens work to make a film, taking over everything from casting, shooting, and editing. The best part is they don't charge tuition, you just have to provide your own housing and transportation. This year they're expanding, calling out for teen writers and musicians as well as designers for a tee shirt contest along with their traditional filmmaking. After the films are made, they're scored and critiqued by a panel of industry pros and fans can vote for their favorite online. Some even make to film festivals.
I really think this is an amazing program since it's pretty hard for teens to gain access to professional equipment and resources (unless you're the child of Steven Spielberg.) The deadline to apply for filmmaking roles is May 5.
(Thank you to every one who left me comments! I promise to return the favor, I'll probably be a little busy trying to submit some assignment in the next few days, but I'm pretty sure I bookmarked you blogs so I can keep reading about all of the interesting things you have to say. :)
Posted by Doodle at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: designers, filmmaking, Fim, Kick Ass Program, musicians, program, Teen filmmaking, writers
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wicked Site: RCRD LBL
Posted by Doodle at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Finding Music, Free Music, Indie Music, Music, Podcast, RCRD LBL, Wicked Site
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thingy: Delicate Tomboy Tees

Posted by Doodle at 1:56 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thingy: The Modern Mixtape
In the days of mp3s the mix cd is rare enough, and the mixtape was banished into oblivian many years ago. What to do? Behold the modern mixtape. A USB stick nestled in retro cassette tape packaging. It holds 64 MB which equals about an hour of music. Best price found at Insound where it's on sale for $16.49 (reg. $16.99) however fredflare offers a "Surprise assortment of mixtape styles" for $22. Don't forget to cover in doodles before giving to the lucky recipient.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Band I Dig: The Spill Canvas
Posted by Doodle at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Band I dig, Music, rock, South Dakota, The Spill Canvas
Monday, April 21, 2008
Music Map
I thought I'd try to make a map of where all the bands I listen to are from, it turned out to be a pretty big task, this is probably only half of them.
Posted by Doodle at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
16 Things to do to find new music that will make your ears all kinds of happy
1 Go through your music collection
Is there anything in there you've forgotten about? Did you get a [insert band name here] Album but then [insert name of band you go koo-koo bananas for] had a new album out and you kinda forgot about the other cd?
2 Go through you parents/siblings/cousins/friends music collection
You obviously like (at least some of) these people, who's to say you wouldn't like the music they listen to? your parents may have even influenced your music tastes. My mom was always playing stuff like: Dave Matthews, Van Morrison, Stevie Ray Vaughn, U2, when I was little, so now I listen to lots of music typically classified as 'rock' or 'alternative.'
3 Know what you don't like
On the other hand, if your parent's music makes you want to gag at least you know what you don't like in your music. It's important to figure out why you don't like certain things about music. Don't tell some one their taste in music is stupid (even if it is). Maybe you just don't like music that doesn't have words, or sounds whiney, or goes too slow, or you can't dance to, or that has screaming. If you figure out what you don't like, it makes it easier to block that stuff out and zero in on stuff you do like.
4 Find out who influenced/inspires the bands/artists you like
Think about it. In a way it's like having this artist you adore come up to you and say "OMG I absolutely LOOOOOVE this band, you should check them out!" or like going through their ipod, without having to deal with sneaking onto their tour bus , going through their stuff, and being chased by security guards. And chances are something about band A's music will be similar to Band B's music since Band A was inspired by Band B. I kinda experience this when I was listening to some of The Smiths, I swear parts of it sound like some of today's punk/pop/rock bands' music, I got chills. Sometimes bands might thank influences in the liner notes of their CDs, so it doesn't hurt to check there.
5 Email bands and ask them about music they like
Now, obviously Mick Jagger and P. Diddy aren't going to respond to you, but lesser know artists or some indie bands (like The Spill Canvas!) might respond. If most of the bands you like seems to busy to deal with fan email you can always look for interviews where they might have talked about their influences, or do a little googling.
6 Who are your faves top friends?
Myspace has really taken over the band website. Who are in some your favorite bands' top 8? These are artists you favorite bands like enough to put them in their top 8, they must be pretty good.
7 Check record labels
Small Record labels will often sing artists that fit a certain "something" Basically, artists with the same label may be similar.
8 Who have your faves toured with?
Bands tour with bands that have similar sound, think of it as your favorite bands giving other bands their seal of approval.
9 Yay music festivals!
Music festivals generally cater to a specific genre (Ex. Bamboozled typically aimed at teens & young adult into rock/punk kind of music). Even if you can't go to one, check out who played/is playing. This is a great way to discover up and coming bands. Or sometimes it can help you discover new bands even if they're thousands of miles away. For example, I stumble across a flyer for the " Come Together" Festival in Australia on the site of an Australian rock band I like, I looked up some of the other bands playing and probably ended up adding a couple hundred new songs to my music collection.
10 Scour music stores
Walk around the artsy part of a nearby city, you'll probably find a music store that has stuff you haven't heard of. Don't be afraid to ask the people who work there for help, they're there because they love music, they can probably help you in your search.
11 Check the Movies
Want to add some 80s music to your collection? Try renting some classic 80s movies, this way you get to 1) See a movie 2) Pick up on some new tunes and 3) Gain a greater understanding of the music you're liking. Music can play such a huge role in movies! Imagine Dirty Dancing without (I've Had) The Time of My Life or The Breakfast Club without Don't you Forget About Me or Juno without Anyone Else but You. They wouldn't be the same.
12 Random google searches
I can't really vouch for the accuracy of this one, but hey if you're bored and you've got time to kill, it couldn't hurt.
13 Lists
VH1 makes lots of tv specials of the "100 greatest metal bands" or "top 50 songs of the 80s" almost all of the lists are available online. Other websites put out lists too.
14 Find some Press
There's a magazine out there for every kind of music try looking in a big bookstore (Barnes &Noble, Boarders ect.) or googling example: 'alternative rock magazines' or check out music stores.
15 "Listeners Also Bought"
That category on the artist's page on itunes can be pretty handy sometimes, it's not always effective for more popular music though.
16 Keep an Open mind
Tis is probably the most important, it's ok to not be into certain sounds, personally I'm not into rap, but I try to keep the philosophy that I'll listen to any song once. I don't promise to like it, I don't promise to hate it. Now obviously, if someone sits me down and tells me to listen to the latest single by [insert name of rapper here] I'm going to have some preconceived notions about it, (I'm human, I judge stuff, I know I shouldn't but I do anyway) but I'll listen to it once. If I don't like it I can say "Eh, it's not really my thing." As hard as it is sometimes I really think we shouldn't criticize music as crappy as it may come. Your music kinda represents you in a way, it grows with you, you have songs that remind you of certain events in your life, no matter what happens you've got your music. It shows all of your sides. It's your story. A little bit of your soul.
Posted by Doodle at 1:59 AM 1 comments
Labels: Finding Music, Indie Music, Music
Friday, April 18, 2008
Spring Photos! Part 2
Posted by Doodle at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: Photography, Photos, Spring
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Spring Photos!
Posted by Doodle at 2:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: Nature, Photography, Photos, Spring
My Brain is a Blackhole of Ideas
I keep having tons of ideas of things to do. The problem is I have a tendency to not get them done, or forget about them all together. Or sometimes I can't even get my ideas out. It's like there's so much spewing out of my head I can't find the idea I need. Lots of times when I have some sort of creative project to do, I have this totally awesome idea of something to do, but I don't know what it is yet. If that makes sense.
Posted by Doodle at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Update-ness -ish
So I pulled my blog from being viewable to the public for awhile... it's a long story. It wasn't really up for long anyway. I really don't know that anyone's going to read what I write, but I feel like writing it like someone's reading this. I keep finding all of these cool new things and I've finally decided to put them here. I've also decided to try to make more collages (collages seem to be the type of art I make the most of), I might put some of them up here, though, I'm not sure how I'd scan in some of the bigger ones. I don't know.. I'll have to see how stuff works out, sometimes stuff happens and I forget about posting things or whatever.
Posted by Doodle at 6:28 PM 0 comments