Let's go to Canada!
Friday, May 30, 2008
A Clip From My Favorite "That 70's Show" Episode
Posted by Doodle at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: Canada, That 70's Show
Link to second blog
Well, I have no patience when it comes to creating these things apparently. I fell I should forewarn you, it's a bit orangey, as I also ran out of patience searching for template. Perhaps I shouldn't be getting on the internet late at night. I finally decided to call it "Three Flights Down" though the url has to have "-"s in-between the words cause some loser already took the normal url and then never even posted anything. Oh, well. Now I can get back to making this blog somewhat cool. Oh, right, here's the link. Though I'm sure it's on my profile by now.
Posted by Doodle at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: blog, orange, TFD, Three Flights Down
Experiencing a Shortage of Title Names Currently
So I've decided to make another blog where I can post all the icky personal drama in my life. That way I can still you this one to write about cool stuff, and I won't feel like I'm coming off as an angsty person, cause I'll have this blog to redeem myself. I think this means I won't be able to post everyday, I'm aiming more towards the 5-4 days every week range. I just have to come up with a name for my second blog... this is where I get stuck. Doodles from A Dream was the name of a mix CD a made back in middle school and lost before I could listen to it. So I've had the awesome cover art (awesome by my middle school standards) sitting around (somewhere) with no CD to go with it for years. I think I google the phrase and nothing else really seemed to have the name, so thats how I came up with it. I'm thinking the next name should come from music, and I've got some ideas, but I have to think it over for a little while. Or at least until I get spontaneous.
Posted by Doodle at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Band I Dig: Acid Eyeliner

Posted by Doodle at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: Acid Eyeliner, Australia, Come Together Festival, Lukey Lukess, Myspace, Punk Rock, rock
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thingy: Alice in Wonderland Accessories
I've been on an Alice in Wonderland kick lately so I thought it would be interesting to find so accessories to go with my addiction. I found a cool Charm Bracelet. It costs $60.

Posted by Doodle at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Accessories, Thingy
I finally figured out the template thing, though it was quite confusing for a while there. Although my link lists are gone, But luckily I saved my counter. I'm thinking I'll be going back to posting cool stuff I find and random doodles. I'm thinking of getting another blog and making it more of a personal thing, of course that would mean then having to up date two blogs (technically three, though the last one is super easy) This one could be the cool one... Maybe that'll happen this weekend... or during the week if I can't sleep. On the upside, (though I don't think I was on the downside) I found a bunch of new sites this long weekend so I have a fresh list of cool things to write about. I feel like saying kowabunga but that would make no sense at all, plus I don't even think that's spelled correctly. Oh well, why start making sense now? Kowabunga.
Posted by Doodle at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: blog, cool stuff, counter, Doodles, kowabunga, sleep, template
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hopefully I'll be getting a new template soon... despite following directions that the site had instead of a template I got gibberish. I posted in the help group forum so hopefully I'll get it sorted out. Until then if something looks funny thats why.
Posted by Doodle at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Lie, lie better next time,
stay on my side tonight
Posted by Doodle at 3:39 PM 2 comments
Labels: Doodles, Drawing, Jimmy Eat World, message boards, My "Art", purple
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My Favorite News Channel
Current TV is a cable/satellite news station that is somewhat run by it's viewers. You can vote on what gets put on the channel. Plus there's always tons of different stories playing 24/7. Every time I turn the channel on I learn something new. For those of you that don't get current you can watch pretty much everything they have on their channel and more on their website. You can also create content and submit it for review (if they like it they put it on tv) through pods and viewer created ad messages.
Posted by Doodle at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: current tv, infoMania, Movies, News, TV
Friday, May 23, 2008
A Picture is Worth A 1000 Words
Here's a link to a story I saw on AOL where a wedding photographer captured some pictures of the earthquake that happened in China.
Posted by Doodle at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: China, earthquake, Photography
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Random Stuff
Hmm.. I'm a neglectful blogger. I'm thinking of going with a different angle. I don't think that made sense. It's really annoying how I keep getting busy. Hmm I post an old collage. I made this one on an environmental kick over a year ago.
Posted by Doodle at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: collage, Random stuff
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Cool Movie: Dear Jack
Posted by Doodle at 6:11 PM 1 comments
Labels: "Dear Jack", Andrew McMahon, Cool Movie, Jack's Mannequin, Movie trailer, Movies, Music, musicians, Something Corporate
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Wicked Site: Cafe Press
Posted by Doodle at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Arrested Development, Bones, Cafe Press, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, Shopping, Tees, TV, Veronica Mars, Weeds, Wicked Site
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thingy: Random Object Necklaces

Posted by Doodle at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: alltherageonline, Fredflare, Girl Props, Mod Cloth, Necklaces, Random object, Shopping, Thingy
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Event: Pangea Day
Posted by Doodle at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Event, famous people, Fim, Hypernova, Music, Pangea Day
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Thingy: Hamburger Phone
Seriously, Who doesn't want one? And They're only $16. Get them here.
Posted by Doodle at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Labels: Hamburger Phone, Juno, Thingy
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Cool Movie: One Nine Nine Four
One Nine Nine Four is an upcoming documentary exploring the birth growth and eventual tipping point of punk rock during the 90s. They talk to tons of musicians from the nineties from bands like Green Day, The Offspring, NOFX, Bad Religion, and more. The whole thing seems pretty awesome, I'm only bummed that I wasn't paying more attention to this stuff when it was going on.
Here's a teaser for it.
Posted by Doodle at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bad Religion, Cool Movie, Green Day, Movie trailer, Movies, NOFX, One Nine Nine Four, Punk Rock, The Offspring