I found out about Acid Eyeliner from the flyer for the
Come Together Festival. This flyer has essentially be my guide to some of Australia's awesome rock/indie rock/whatever rock bands. I don't know why it didn't occur to me earlier to look to Australia for new music, needless to say

my music taste has grown and my ears are happy. So anyways I was going through the list and I got to Acid Eyeliner and I was thinking they were probably going to be this really hard rock metal band with a whole lot of screaming going on. I go to
their myspace page and the first song

I hear is called "Kissing You In The Driveway". Not what I expected. They may have a badass name that'll make your mom nervous, but they're actually a little teddy bear-like. They've still had their share of heartbreak and life though, which makes their album
Future Lies quite appealing. I finally go a hold of their album a couple of days ago, which was quite satisfying since I had really only been able to listen to their new stuff via their myspace page. I was doing some searching on them, (though I can't remember why, given that I was searching at two in the morning) and found this interview with the lead singer/Guitarist Lukey Lukess. It kinda makes me like them even more. Here's a link to their site.
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