Sex Sells. It's also pretty damn funny. I'm talking about The Midwest Teen Sex Show the podcast about teen sexuality made from only the finest organic ingredients. They say that sex is happening, not all teens are doing it, and not all are abstaining either. The Midwest Teen Sex Show talks about a range of topics in a helpful yet snarky lingo (See quotes)It's been said that the podcast it to be used more as a conversation starter rather than an educational resource. They really only scratch the surface when it somes to some of the issues.

So why watch a podcast about sex? (And there's no porn, not even in the episode about porn,if you were wondering.) Sure there's some valuable information in it, but most of the podcast consists of tounge-in-cheek humor and various skits parodying teenagers and whatever topic they're covering this month.

The Midwest Teen Sex Show's audience reaches way beyond teens. They've reached 20 and 30 somethings and even parents. (I also remember hearing something about grandparents, you should really be monitoring their internet usage, they might spend your inheritance on internet poker if you're not careful. Or maybe internet bingo.) The parents episode is one of the best, even though "Madge the Vag" kind of gives me the creeps.

The only downside is that episodes are released monthly. They've got 21 out now, but depending on your level of boredom, you could get through all of those in one afternoon. On the upside they do have a live show on Tuesdays at 10 ET on their website. However I can't really vouch for the funniness or lack of funniness this may contain, because I haven't seen it yet. (There were kind of these holidays going on in the past two weeks, and you're supposed to hang with your family... and stuff.) Although if you're left wanting more, and it's not Tuesday, the whole "Take our Survey!" thing you might see on their website, is totally worth it, the bonus scenes are priceless.
You can subscribe to the podcast in iTunes, or find them on
their website.
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