The world sucks. In my attempt to be less pessimistic, (for the moment at least) here's some happy news.
+A lady in Connecticut won the lottery from a ticket her husband bought a few hours before he died.+I always though algae was kind of gross, but if it's going to save us from global warming, I think it's pretty cool.
+Some scientists have found out that true love can last a lifetime.
+A brother and sister were reunited in England. Turns out they were living 300 yards away from each other. "I have walked past her house lots of times and I have even seen her in the garden. I have walked past her in the street and never realized it was my sister," he said. I guess there weren't any jokes about being poopy head exchanged, cause that would have been a dead giveaway.
+Here's an adorable video of Michelle Obama talking about when she first met Barack and their first date.
+And here are some cool benches. I'm slightly tempted to go to Istanbul just to sit on the one that looks like a book.
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