Friday, May 30, 2008

Experiencing a Shortage of Title Names Currently

So I've decided to make another blog where I can post all the icky personal drama in my life. That way I can still you this one to write about cool stuff, and I won't feel like I'm coming off as an angsty person, cause I'll have this blog to redeem myself. I think this means I won't be able to post everyday, I'm aiming more towards the 5-4 days every week range.  I just have to come up with a name for my second blog... this is where I get stuck. Doodles from A Dream was the name of a mix CD a made back in middle school and lost before I could listen to it. So I've had the awesome cover art (awesome by my middle school standards) sitting around (somewhere) with no CD to go with it for years. I think I google the phrase and nothing else really seemed to have the name, so thats how I came up with it. I'm thinking the next name should come from music, and I've got some ideas, but I have to think it over for a little while. Or at least until I get spontaneous.